
100% In-House Solution
Xeams offers a 100% in-house solution, minimizing privacy risks associated with outsourced solutions.
3 Modes
3 different modes of operation:

  • Stand-alone
  • Firewall
  • Hybrid
Junk Filtering
Blocks 99% of junk messages right from reaching your inbox. Reduces traffic to your primary email server and prevents harmful attachments from getting into your network.

End-to-End Encryption
Protect sensitive data by encrypting email that cannot be viewed by anyone but the intended recipient(s).
Message Archiving
Archive historic messages with lightning fast searching capability. Quickly find out attachments sent in and out of your company in the past.
Build a highly available email infrastructure with built-in clustering capabilities.

Email Compliance
Stay compliant with many government regulations. For example, HIPAA, GLBA, CFPB, FERPA, Sarbanes-Oxley, Safe Harbor, etc.
Prevent IP Leakage
Prevent intellectual property leakage by monitoring sensitive information being sent out via email. This includes message content as well as attached files.
Latest Specs
Xeams uses many technologies that are considered best practices in the industry such as STARTTLS, SPF, DKIM, DMARC and others.


Easiest Installation
Simply double click setup.exe or run on Linux and Xeams will be up and running in seconds. No need to install any other software/database.
100% web-based interface
Everything you do in Xeams is through an intuitive web interface allowing you to connect from any computer.
Deploy anywhere
Xeams can be installed on any operating system including Microsoft Windows, Linux, BSD, Unix and Mac OS X

Active Directory
Seamless integration with Active Directory allow administrators to integrate user accounts with Xeams.
Tiered administration
Delegate administrative tasks to domain owners so they can manage filtering rules for their domain without affecting others.
Configurable retention
You decide how many days worth of emails you need to hold, which applies not only to good messages but also junk/spam messages.

Live monitoring
Watch new emails as they arrive in the server. This is one of the most loved feature and is exclusive only to Xeams.
Live logs
Watch contents of the log files as they appear. This is another exclusive feature and helps tremendously for administrative troubleshooting.
Extensive reporting
Several reports show you how many emails you are received in a day, week, month and year. It also shows a ratio of junk and good messages.

Never lose any email
Xeams keeps a complete history of every email ever received. You decide how many days you need to retain messages.
Cherry pick the features
Although Xeams provide a complete email solution, you can enable/disable any feature you like.
Rules updates
Rules are software updates are automatically downloaded and all administrators have to do is restart Xeams.


Unlimited Usage
Xeams supports unlimited domains and there is no limit on the number of emails sent in or out.
Email protocols
Every common email protocol and specifications are support. Such as Smtp, Pop3, Imap, DKIM, DMARC, SPF, etc.
Mailing/Discussion list
Built in support for mailing lists exists in Xeams. Using the Administration console you can easily build new mailing lists and modify existing ones.

Email Signatures
Customized signatures can be attached to every outbound email conforming to your company's standard policies.
Policy management
Xeams allows you to enforce your company policies. Alert emails are sent to managers whenever a policy violation occurs.
Automatic indexing
Every message that comes in gets indexed by a built in search engine. This allows users to search older messages within seconds whether they are one day or one hundred days old.

Quarantine reports
Quarantine reports can be sent to users allowing them to restore emails and also manage their own white/black list.
Out-of-office notifications
Users can set and manage their own out-of-office notifications letting others know they won't be able to respond to their emails while away on vacation.
Handling large attachments
When combined with SynaMan, users can attach large files to your emails. There is no upper limit on the size.