Tool for Troubleshooting Email Delivery Problems

Version 9.3 of Xeams introduced a new tool that helps administrators investigate email delivery problems. Click Tools/Troubleshoot Delivery on the main menu when logged in as the administrator.

How To Use

  • Connect to your Xeams web interface as the administrator.
  • Click Tools/Troubleshoot Delivery
  • Specify the sender's and recipient's email address
  • Click Investigate
  • The following screen will display that status of the message.

How it Works

This tool takes the following steps in the background:

  • First, it searches the message using the recipient and sender's email address.
  • Next, it search the log files to extract IP addresses and status of the message
  • Finally, that information is displayed on the screen and tabular and graphical format.

Definition of Status Field

Fields in the Status column have the following definitions.

Delivered Xeams has successfully delivered the message to the next SMTP server. If the recipient has not received the message, ask them to check their junk folder.
Quarantined Xeams has quarantined this message as junk. Search this message in the Message Repository and restore it if necessary.
Queued Xeams tried delivering the message but failed at least once. It is currently in the out-bound queue waiting to be delivered again.
Failed Xeams was not able to deliver the message after multiple attempts. Refer to the logs for details.