Done by adding
file in
folder . This file
contains one rule per line. Each rule contains two tokens separated by three $ signs. The first token is for
sender's email and second is for recipient. The phrase ALL signifies every sender or recipient. Regular expressions are accepted. For example:
The above example will reject senders containing *.top as their top-level-domain and the rule applies to EVERY recipient.
Sample File
# This file can be used to reject emails from certain senders or to certain recipients.
# Email rejected due to this file will NOT appear in Xeam's Admin Console and you will never
# if a legitimate sender gets blocked.
# It contains two tokens in each line separate by three $ signs.
# The first token is for sender's email address and the second token is for recipient.
# You can either specify a complete email address, a regular expression or the phrase ALL that signifies EVERY sender or recipients.
# For example:
# [\S]*\.top$$$ALL
# will reject senders containing *.top as their top-level-domain and the rule will apply to EVERY recipient.
# Similarly,
# will reject emails from if the recipient is