fetch pop/imap E.Y.
    fetch pop/imap Synametrics Support

From: E.Y.
Date: 4/26/24 3:42 PM
Topic: fetch pop/imap
Type: General Discussions
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Hello to all
I'm new to xeams and would be interested in using the fetch function to download emails from the provider. However, I don't want to delete them from the server, and I can't find an option to leave them and not delete them. Is it possible ? either via the GUI or by modifying a file for example

thank's for your answer




From: Synametrics Support
Date: 4/30/24 10:23 AM
Topic: fetch pop/imap
Type: General Discussions
Post a follow up


The current version of Xeams always removes emails from the source server. The idea is that users want to pull their emails from the source server and use Xeams to view them. May I know what the purpose of fetching your emails from two servers (Xeams and the original) is?

