Replying to a message from: Synametrics Support

I have a feeling the problem with SSL is not related to trust but perhaps it is using an older algorithm/cipher, which is disabled in Xeams for security reasons.

I also think that the server supports STARTTLS on port 143, indicating clients that they can upgrade their non-SSL connections to SSL. Xeams tries to upgrade to encryption on port 143 and fails because of the reason mentioned above. To confirm this theory try the following:

  • Using telnet, connect to your IMAP server. The command is:

    telnet 143
  • Type this command once connected:

  • The server will return a list of supported features. If you see STARTTLS as a feature, my theory is correct.
  • In that case, see if you can disable STARTTLS on your IMAP server. Once STARTTLS is disabled, Xeams won't upgrade to SSL on port 143.