Replying to a message from: Synametrics Support

There are 4 categories of messages:

  • Good or Possible Spam. These messages are forwarded to the user's inbox by Xeams. Albeit with a modified subject in case of Possible Spam.
  • Quarantined Spam Messages. These messages are quarantined by Xeams and are not forwarded to the user's Inbox. A Quarantine report is sent at least once a day and contains information about these messages with the ability for users to restore them.
  • Deleted messages. These are spam emails that get a score higher than the deletion threshold. Go to Filter Management/Score Configuration to adjust the value for this field. Emails that score higher than this value are considered so bad that there is no point in even putting them in quarantine. A log entry is created in DeletedEmails.log when such a message is encountered. Check for information about logging.
  • Rejected messages. These are messages that are rejected by Xeams for several reasons: for example invalid recipients, large attachments, invalid domain, or network errors. In such cases, the sender's SMTP server will either retry sending the message or will generate an NDR.

I assume you are referring to the Quarantined Spam Messages, correct? Do you have the quarantine reports enabled?