Error while creating SSL Certificate Laurens
    Error while creating SSL Certificate Synametrics Support
        Error while creating SSL Certificate Laurens

From: Laurens
Date: 10/1/24 1:38 AM
Topic: Error while creating SSL Certificate
Type: General Discussions
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I am trying to create a new SSL certificate for my Xeams server. Unfortunately I get this error:

org.bouncycastle.asn1.pkcs.PrivateKeyInfo cannot be cast to org.bouncycastle.openssl.PEMKeyPair

I tried googling the error but I am noet getting any results that are any help why my Xeams install. It vagely points towards a non-traditional RSA key not being accepted.

Any help would be greatly appreciated :-)


From: Synametrics Support
Date: 10/1/24 8:10 AM
Topic: Error while creating SSL Certificate
Type: General Discussions
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Is this a new installation of Xeams, or have you had it for some time and it was working before? I recommend contacting our support department by clicking Tools/Contact support from the web interface. This will send us your log files, which will be helpful.

Also, when do you get this error? Is it before or after displaying the "Terms of conditions" page?


From: Laurens
Date: 10/1/24 1:11 PM
Topic: Error while creating SSL Certificate
Type: General Discussions
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It was a new install. I fixed it by starting over by uninstalling and reinstalling. That worked.

I got the error when I pressed Proceed on the Terms and Conditions page.

Best regards, Laurens
