Rerun diagnostic tests amd.64
    Rerun diagnostic tests Synametrics Support

From: amd.64
Date: 10/1/24 1:37 AM
Topic: Rerun diagnostic tests
Type: General Discussions
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After setting up Xeams I ran the inbound diagnostics check. Everything passed except Inbound Encryption. I have since installed a cert from lets encrypt.

How can I rerun these diagnostics.

Can I use a different cert then what is on my mail server or should they both be the same? I will be Xeams as a spam filter, my mail server runs Exchange.


From: Synametrics Support
Date: 10/1/24 7:59 AM
Topic: Rerun diagnostic tests
Type: General Discussions
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An SSL cert is typically issued against your FQDN of your network's hostname, not your email domain. Consider the following example:

  • You have two email domains: and
  • The MX records for domains refer to
  • Since is the FQDN, the SSL certificate is only needed for this name, not your email domains.

Therefore, you should get an SSL cert only for your FQDN.
