Message Catalog Summary Report

The Message Catalog Summary Report provides a convenient way of displaying a summary of messages sent or received by certain individuals. For example, it can answer questions like display messages sent by a former employee before he/she left employment six months ago.


Data required for this report is collected after you upgrade to v6.5 of Xeams. Therefore, you will not see any data in this report for older dates.


  • Log in to the Admin Console as admin
  • Click Reports → Legal Reports → Message Catalog Summary
  • Specify search parameters:

    Message Type Select the type, either Good, Possible Junk or Junk
    Filter Specify full or partial email address of either sender or recipient.
    Start/End Dates Select appropriate dates.

Downloading Results

You will be able to download the data in CSV (Comma Separated Values) format after running a report. You can use applications like MS Excel to open a CSV file.

Following table display the details about every column in the downloaded CSV file

Field NumberDescription
Field 1Recipient's email address
Field 2Sender's email address
Field 3Message Type: 0 for Spam, 1 for Good and 2 for Possible Spam
Field 4Profile ID
Field 5Score
Field 6Size of the email in terms of bytes
Field 7Processing time
Field 8Message Source. Specifies how did the message come in. 1 for Proxy Server, 2 for regular SMTP server, 4 for POP3 Fetcher, 9 for IMAP client
Field 9Direction - 1 is out-bound and 2 means in-bound