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Document ID: 5427
Subject: Forwarding incoming emails to multiple downstream servers for redundancy
Creation date: 1/7/21 12:09 PM
Last modified on: 1/7/21 12:34 PM

How To Forward Emails to Multiple Downstream Servers

When using Xeams in either Hybrid or Firewall mode, you have to specify a downstream server that will . eventually get good messages. In most cases, there is only one downstream server and therefore, configuration is pretty simple. This page talks about configuring Xeams when you have more than one downstream servers that exist to provide load balancing.

Round-Robin Load Balancing

Use a comma to separate multiple IP addresses when configuring a domain. Consider the following example:

  • You filter junk emails for
  • You want to send incoming emails to and
  • Specify both IP addresses separated by a comma. Refer to a screenshot below.

multiple ip addresses

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