Feature Request - TLD Filtering Bobby
    Feature Request - TLD Filtering Synametrics Support
        Feature Request - TLD Filtering Bobby

From: Bobby
Date: 4/3/24 10:30 AM
Topic: Feature Request - TLD Filtering
Type: General Discussions
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I know Xeams has a TLD blacklist.  Would it be possible to introduce a TLD whitelist that functions similarly to Country Filters?  That is to say we could invert the list and introduce a score to any TLD that is not on the list.

I'm new to Xeams and wasn't sure of the proper place to request a feature.  If this isn't it I'm happy to resubmit elsewhere.


From: Synametrics Support
Date: 4/3/24 10:42 AM
Topic: Feature Request - TLD Filtering
Type: General Discussions
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Presumably, the list for whitelisted TLDs will be much smaller than the blacklisted ones. Therefore, you can accomplish this task by adding a sender filter and specifying a country's top-level domain. Consider the following example showing whitelisting Switzerland.



From: Bobby
Date: 4/3/24 10:52 AM
Topic: Feature Request - TLD Filtering
Type: General Discussions
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Correct, the whitelist would be maybe 10 or less TLDs and certainly shorter than the blacklist would have to be.  This could work.  Doing it this way I think I'd need a high score on every message then follow-up with a negative score for each TLD on my whitelist.  Having a dedicated list would be somewhat more intuitive so I'd still request the feature at some point in the future.
