Increasing memory Martin
    Increasing memory Richard Haakma

From: Martin
Date: 5/4/16 12:46 PM
Topic: Increasing memory
Type: Installation
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When I try to increase the maximum memory size, I get the following message: Unable to modify the settings. Please check Xeams logs for details


I cant find any log file that mentions memory size.  Can anyone help with this error, or possibly give me a way of changing the memory size via the config files if this is possible.


Thanks in advance






From: Richard Haakma
Date: 7/4/16 12:16 AM
Topic: Increasing memory
Type: Installation
Post a follow up



On my Linux based system I edit /opt/Xeams/ so that the -Xmx parameter is bigger. E.g.


/bin/java -server -Xmx3072m -cp $CP -DLoggingConfigFile=logconfig.xml com.synametrics.xeams.ServerStarter &


