Replying to a message from: Synametrics Support


You don't need an "A" record but an "MX" record for email. For example, if your host name for No-IP is, you could create an MX record with the following values:

Host: @
Priority: 10
TTL: Select the lowest value allowed

By the way, you should NOT run an email server (Xeams or any other) behind a dynamic IP address. You could run into several problems, such as:

  • Many ISPs block traffic on port 25 both inbound and outbound. This means even if you get a host name for your IP, servers on the Internet will not be able to send their emails because traffic is blocked. Your server will also not be able to communicate with other SMTP servers. Emails are always delivered using port 25.
  • Even if ports are not blocked, many servers on the Internet will treat emails originating from your IP as junk.

There are two ways to solve this problem:

  1. Reroute your emails through a service provider
  2. Run Xeams on a VPS. Check for details.