Replying to a message from: Jan Irby

Hello Synametrics Support,

What I was trying to say is, if u look here under in "Existing Associations"
email addresses are listed in alphabetic order. My thoughts was, on my Exchange 2016, I have marked as my primary mail address.
When I look in "Live monitor" mails sendt to or any of the other mail addresses, lister underneath, are shown as they are sendt to

If I however goes to "Show all good" and finds the mail that looks like its sendt to, in "live monitor" I can se that its sendt to the right mail ""

If I then deletes then the next in line will be the active, in my case,
My wish is... Is it possible, in the future to have the primary email address, as in exchange/AD, displayed in "live monitor"

best regards
Jan Irby