Replying to a message from: peter

Here are some lines i notice from the xeams.log once i first install the xeams package 5.8 

2018-08-25 18:40:26,637 WARN J.X - The profile id read from file is 0, but in memory value = 1
2018-08-25 18:40:30,808 WARN users.h - Config file config/UserConfig.xml not found. Cannot continue reading.

And when i try to increase memory, it said "Unable to modify the settings. Please check Xeams logs for details"
here are the log:
Xeams Admin Console - Version 5.8, build 5928

2018-08-25 19:12:57,900 INFO  helper.e - Changing VM Params to -server -Xmx2048m -DLoggingConfigFile=logconfig.xml
2018-08-25 19:12:57,909 WARN  helper.e - wrapper.conf file not found in the config directory
2018-08-25 19:12:57,909 ERROR helper.e - Unable to save wrapper.conf file for memory update
2018-08-25 19:12:57,909 INFO  helper.e - File run.bat not found
2018-08-25 19:12:57,909 INFO  helper.e - File not found

can you help me? thank you