Replying to a message from: Tommy

1: Create  cpuload.jsp,the content is as below:

String cmds= "uptime>/opt/Xeams/logs/cpuload.log";
String[] command = { "/bin/sh", "-c", cmds };
Process ps = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command );

2: add below at the first line of NewPageFooter.jsp

<%@ include file="cpuload.jsp" %>

3: add below at the NewPageHeader.jsp after String helpSite = ""; then it will be as below:

String helpSite = "";
String cpufilter = "";
String cpuload = ResourceBean.displayFileTail("/opt/Xeams/logs/cpuload.log",1,cpufilter);
int authorizationLevel = ResourceBean.AL_NOT_LOGGED_IN;

4: add below at MainMenu.jsp after <%=GlobalFuncs.formatDate(AppConfig.SERVER_START_TIME)%>,it will be like:

<div class="text-center">
<span class="well" style="display:inline-table; padding:3px 5px; color:#555;"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-time"></span> Running Since: <%=GlobalFuncs.formatDate(AppConfig.SERVER_START_TIME)%> || <%=cpuload%> </span>

Finally,when you login the control panel,you will see as below:

Running Since: 12/23/17 8:55 PM || 22:21:42 up 1:26, 0 users, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00