Replying to a message from: Curtis

I seem to have a strange issue using the spam server, with the "smtp server" (not proxy).  When it sends the admin console emails, sometimes users receive them, and sometimes the do not.  It's very strange.  I see the email in the "OutboundMailQueue" folder, and it just sits there. Then 10 minutes rolls over and the system deletes the emails :( 

I've also posted that I don't see to have smtp log files, but I'm also confused as to what product acutally has this (stand alone smtp server vs spam filter with smtp server).  The smtp sever settings don't have basic settings I would expect.  I'm not sure if this is a bug (not having the logs), or if this is for their other product.


*******************previous forumpost************

  • SMTPConversation.log
  • SMTPProxyConversation.log
  • OutboundAuditTrailSuccess.log
  • OutboundAuditTrailFailure.log

These critical log files don't seem to exist?  What am I missing?  I am using the spam filter as an smtp server (not a proxy).  When spam sits in the queue, it is deleted after 10 minutes and there doesn't seem to be any options for this either


It seems like the smtp server could benefit from allowing you to keep queues, change the from email address of the summary email report, etc & basically be able to set normal "smtp server" type settings when using the Xeams spam filter as an smtp server.  We shouldn't have to set up another smtp server to have these features.